The University of Montevallo offers scholarships that vary in award criteria, and amounts. A special application must be completed to apply for the following scholarships by the March 1st deadline.
Available Scholarships
- Ann Connolly Scholarship
Amount varies. Available to a junior or senior female student living in Hanson Hall who is registered for minimum 14 semester hours; 3.0 GPA. Contact the Office of Admissions, or (205) 665-6030.
- Ann Lowery Bains Student Trustee Award/Scholarship
Presented to the member of the student body serving as student trustee.
- Birdie Foote Scholarship
Amount varies. Available to students from Washington and Clarke counties. Contact the Office of Admissions, or (205) 665-6030.
- Campus Ministries Scholarship
The Campus Ministries Retention Scholarship was established to help retain students in financial need who are actively involved in campus ministries programs at UM.
– Student must demonstrate financial need.
-Student must be sophomore, junior, or senior
-Student must show active involvement in the university campus ministries programs.
-Renewable up to 3 years.
- Compass Bank Scholarship
Amount Varies. Available to rising junior or senior student making satisfactory progress toward a degree; first preference given to employees or dependents of Compass Bank. Contact the Office of Admissions, or (205) 665-6030.
- Class of 1952 Memorial Scholarship
Amount varies. Available to an academically deserving upper-class student who is in need of financial assistance to complete his/her education at UM. Submit application online or contact University Advancement at 205-665-6215.
- David E. Crawford Memorial Scholarship
Amount varies. Available to a student with sophomore or higher status; 2.75 GPA; financial need. Contact the Office of Admissions, or (205) 665-6030.
- Head/Cleveland Scholarship
Amount varies. To apply, students must have a minimum of 30 credit hours earned at the University of Montevallo, demonstrated academic achievement, and financial need. Minimum GPA 3.2.
- Hope Bryant Smith Service Scholarship
Amount varies. Available to student with at least sophomore standing with a 3.0 GPA and an active role in community service. To apply, students need to send a resumé and one page narrative/description of community service involvement to the Office of Alumni Affairs. They can be reached at or call (205)665-6214.
- Dr. James F. Vickery Jr. Scholarship
Amount Varies. Available to students from the Montgomery area that have demonstrated academic achievement and school leadership. For questions, contact the Student Aid Office, or (205) 665-6050.
- Joe and Christine Griffin Callahan Scholarship
Amount Varies. Available to students from Calhoun or Clay counties. For questions, contact the Student Aid Office, or (205) 665-6050.
- Joseph and Syble Brindley Leadership Scholarship
Amount varies. Available to current undergraduate students with a minimum 3.0 GPA and exhibiting community leadership experience. Contact Brenda Knight (205)665-6220
- Madge Scarbrough Mullins Scholarship
Amount varies. Available to entering freshmen with financial need from Chilton County High School. For questions, contact the Student Aid Office, or (205) 665-6050.
- Mary F. Estes Scholarship
$1,500. Available to Non-Traditional student (24 years or older) in financial need. Must be a student in the College of Arts and Sciences with a minimum 2.5 GPA. Not renewable. For an application, contact the Office of Admissions, or (205) 665-6030.
- Minnie Mitchell Scholarship
Amount varies. Available to students from the Mobile area. For questions, contact the Student Aid Office, or (205) 665-6050.
- Miss Alabama Scholarship
Tuition, activity fee, room and board. Available to the winner of the Miss Alabama competition.
- Miss Alabama Talent
Tuition and activity fee. Available to preliminary winners.
- Prudence Walker Gilliland Scholarship
Amount varies. Available to student from Etowah County. For questions, contact the Student Aid Office, or (205) 665-6050.
- Rodney Davis and Mike Strong Chelsea Scholarship
Awarded to a student from Chelsea, Alabama with an overall 3.0 GPA and above UM average on the ACT, record of community service, employment experience and financial need required. For questions, contact the Student Aid Office, or (205) 665-6050.
- Sarah G. Palmer Adult Returning Students Scholarship For Adult Returning Students
Scholarship available for adult returning students of any major. Usually awarded to students with freshman or sophomore standing. Must complete an essay of between 500-800 words. See English scholarships for more information. Scholarship is not renewable.
- Trustmark National Bank Scholarship
Awarded to at-risk or economically disadvantaged students. Contact the office of Admissions, or 205-665-6030.